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With us
We are a group of young people full of passion, energy and affection. Our goal is to help you fulfill your dream, advise you on your decisions, accompany you on the way to Australia, Malta, Canada or Dubai and guide you in your experience once you are there.
Hobart - Australia
Our team abroad
Jessica Zúñiga
Opita, She is the entrepreneur who landed in Australia, in search of improving her professional profile. She is an Industrial Engineer, with studies in Business. She is a travel lover and hopes to be the happiest person when buying a Dreamer flight. She is in charge of directing Dream Way and ensures that the service and processes are better every day.

Karen Sanchez
Opita, estudiante internacional en Sydney que desde su experiencia dreamer le encanta asesorar a los estudiantes para que al igual que ella puedan cumplir su sueño de estudiar y trabajar en el exterior.

Neiva - Huila
Our team in Colombia
Santiago Ramos
Opita, Professional in Environmental Engineering and technologist in environmental prevention, mitigation and control. The skill that Santi has best developed is to enchant with her fun and joy. She is characterized by being social and Responsible. With pleasure in particular sport. He currently works as an advisor to offshore students in Latin America, being a manager of dreams abroad.

Bogotá - DC
Our team in Colombia
Alejandra Gomez
Student Counsellor
Opita, Business Administrator, characterized by being a proactive person, with extensive experience in customer service which allows me to advise empathetically and honestly. She currently works for Dream Way as an advisor to offshore students in Latin America, helping to fulfill dreams of studying abroad.

Australia - Hobart
Suite 6 Level 2
5/21 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000 Australia
+61 413 857 919
Australia - Sidney
Office 2123, Level 21/207 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000
+61 424 608 467
Colombia - Neiva
Carrera 4 # 12-59 Local 101 Neiva - Huila, Edificio Conecta
+57 320 476 7990
Colombia - Bogota
Calle 94 # 21 - 76, Capital Work
+57 3222534176
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